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Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE 2018)

Join us May 4 & 5, 2018 at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Call for Participation

The organizers of WCCCE 2018 welcome tutorial/workshop proposals, for papers, and for panel proposals on the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:


Submissions are welcome in the form of:

WCCCE 2018 will take place on May 4-5, 2018 at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

The event is presented in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE).

Keynote speaker: Michelle Craig (University of Toronto)

For over 20 years the Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education has been a forum for disseminating experience and information pertaining to the development and delivery of programs and courses in computer science, computer technology, or information systems, broadly defined. The conference’s purpose is to bring together university and college educators along with industrial partners and government officials who have an interest in the instruction and delivery of computer related course and the development and evolution of computing education.

Participation can take the form of:

Therefore if you are effectively using unique methods to teach a computer related topic, have successfully adopted, or developed, a new tool or technology in your computer related courses or labs, this is an opportunity to tell people about it. Or maybe, you have tried something and it doesn’t work. People will still be interested tell people about it so they don’t make the same mistakes. If you have developed a tool that improves instruction quality for your courses, this is the place to demonstrate it. Even if you have tried methods or tools in your instruction with little success, we are still eager to hear about it. Your experience can help us all.

The deadline for submissions is March 21, 2018.

For more information, including instructions on how to submit, please see the links on the the right sidebar of this webpage.


For Tutorial and Workshop proposals

Workshop and tutorial sessions provide a structured way for domain experts to present new and novel techniques to an interested – and technically capable – audience. Information in a proposal (two pages maximum) that will help the Program Committee assess the proposal is to include:

For more information, including instructions on how to submit, please see the links on the the right sidebar of this webpage.